Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dissection of Written and Visual Arguments

The critical reading article describes the actions that we commit, which future generations will condemn us for. Much as the current generation condemns those who owned slaves and denied women the right to vote, the current generation will be criticized for acts occurring right now. These acts include America’s prison system, industrial meat production, the use of retirement homes and the treatment of the environment. In the writing arguments book, the second chapter presents images and writings on both sides of the illegal immigration issue. The two arguments that will be looked into greater detail is the writing condemning America’s prison system and the image protesting America’s prosecution of illegal immigrants.
            The selected argument from the critical reading condemns the United States’ prison system and portrays it as a dark spot in American history that future generations will look down upon. The argument is effective partly due to its presentation of statistics against the US prison system. Appiah tells the reader that 25% of the world’s prisoners are in the United States, as well as stating that 100,000 inmates suffer sexual abuse and 25,000 inmates live in isolated conditions. Appiah also makes a common sense appeal to the reader when he states that a majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders, a large number of which are in prison for drug use. This statement leaves the reader to ponder whether or not having these non-violent offenders in prison is a good decision when there are other options available to punish these people such as fines and community service. Last of all, Appiah makes an appeal towards the reader’s emotions when he speaks further about the 25,000 inmates that are isolated from the other inmates. Appiah alludes to the statements made by psychologists who suggest that these isolated cells are equal to torture. This account speaks towards those who are more compassionate and do not believe in any form of torture.
            The selected image from the writing arguments book is the picture of children protesting the United States’ prosecution of illegal immigrants. This image is most effective in its ability towards playing to the emotions of people. The image shows children walking with a sign that says “Legalize My Parents”, which is surrounded by their handprints. This image appeals to the emotions of people not to remove people from the country that have already been here long enough to start a family. The appearance of the priest in the image appeals to hearts of religious people. The image suggests that since a Catholic priest is heavily supportive of the issue, it is the moral choice to support the amnesty of illegal immigrants currently in the United States. Lastly, the fact that there are signs written in English pleas to the hearts of those against the amnesty of illegal immigrants. One of the main arguments against the amnesty of illegal immigrants is that they come enter the United States with no intention of learning the language or adapting to the main culture. However, the English signs give the opposite impression by suggesting that illegal immigrants are willing to learn English in order to adapt to life in the United States.

1 comment:

  1. I had not previously thought into the fact that the sign is in English, but now that I realize that, arguments suggesting immigrants are not willing to adapt seem disprovable.
