Monday, March 12, 2012

SWA #17: Two More Annotated Sources

Edgar, Timothy and Rosenzweig, Paul. “Pro/Con: Is the Government Misusing the USA Patriot Act?” CQ Researcher. Oct. 2003. Web. 12 Mar. 2012
                        This article gives both sides of the civil liberties issues that arose from the United States’ adoption of the Patriot Act following September 11th. Edgar represents the side that believes that the United States government is misusing the powers given to them by the Patriot Act. Edgar points to the fact that many detainees were incarcerated with no communication for months at a time before they were finally freed. Rosenzweig represents the side that the United States is acting well within their own given power through the Patriot Act. Rosenzweig argues that the government watches greatly for potential abuse in the system as well as stating that there is a time when some liberties have to be sacrificed in the name of security.

Hill, Miriam. “Does Law Clarify Rights of Detention? Yes. No. Maybe.” The Philadelphia Inquirer 6 Mar. 2012, City-C ed. LexisNexis. Web. 12 Mar. 2012
                        Hill takes a relatively neutral approach in her analysis of the National Defense Authorization Act. Hill speaks greatly about the “gray areas” in the document that concern civil rights proponents. Hill also speaks about President Obama’s claim that he will never use the law while in office, although he signed the bill in law. Many saw this as President Obama further clarifying that there is a significant gray area of the document that may need revision. Hill also brings up that Obama’s administration has proven their stance on American citizens tied to terrorism through the CIA’s killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, who were both American citizens with ties to Al-Qaeda. 

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