Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SWA #22: Working Thesis and Response Paragraph

Working Thesis
            Following the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, the United States government began to impose multiple laws that sought to ensure the safety of the country. However, egregious consequences ensued out of the implementation of these laws. As the laws began to add up, citizens began to have many of the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution being infringed upon. The United States has allowed the fear of another terrorist attack to fundamentally change its way of thinking, a goal of these terrorist groups. This change in thinking has allowed the United States to become a society with many qualities that it had previously condemned in other societies. Therefore I believe that the best option for the United States to begin a process to repeal the provisions created by the Patriot Act, NDAA and any other laws that infringe on the civil liberties of the average American citizen. In turn the United States will create a more free society and overcome the fears of terrorism all while maintaining the national security they sought to create.

One of the major issues that would arise under my proposed policy is what would the United States do about national protection? First of all, the acts would not end in one decisive action. I would rather have that the country ease out of our current system, thus allowing people to make the transition much easier. The truth is that people should not fear this society, but rather embrace it. In removing multiple provisions of the Patriot Act and NDAA, the United States would become a society more like the one envisioned by the nation’s forefathers when the Bill of Rights was drafted in the United States Constitution. One pressing issue relating to safety would regard the quality of airport security, which drastically changed after the adoption of the Patriot Act. My solution to this would be to give the responsibility to the airline companies themselves to handle security. To some this may sound dangerous, but in reality it is really a safe decision. In a capitalist society, the airline companies will do whatever they can to please their customers, one of the basic things they can do is make them feel safe on the plane. Therefore, the companies would have rigorous safety measures to ensure the safety of their customers.

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