Monday, February 20, 2012

SWA #13: Three Controversial Topics

            One issue that I would like to explore is the United States’ belligerent nature with Iran, who may be able to create a nuclear weapon in the near future. This is a controversial issue in that Iran may be the next nation that the United States may get involved with militarily. Therefore there are people highly fearful of going to war with the nation and other who are more motivated to take action militarily. I personally am very against any military action that we may impose on Iran as I believe the United States cannot afford another war and that another war will only further antagonize the United States to other nations. I personally would like to research the other side of the argument as well as my side some more. I have done enough to develop a basic opinion on the issue, but not enough to have a full understanding of it.
            Another issue I would like to explore is property rights and the government’s right to intrude on a person’s rights. This situation is controversial, as governments have begun to enforce more rules on what a person can and cannot due in their own private business, such as allowing people to smoke. Therefore there are people who are in support of a person’s right to choose what they allow on their own private property and those who believe laws need to be enforced in the best interests of the people. I personally am someone who is very in favor of property rights and if someone does not like the certain conditions that a business enforces, they have the right to not go there. I want to research this topic even further because this seems to a be something that is currently occurring in many places in the United States and I would like the research what new laws are trying to be enforced and the reasoning for those laws.
            My last issue that I would like to explore is due process in the United States legal system. This topic is controversial because the United States Constitution guarentees everyone the right to a fair trial, however the government was signed acts such as the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), that suspends an American citizen’s right to due process if they are a suspected. I personally am a firm believer in the Constitution and believe that everyone has the right to a fair trial in the United States. I believe that this is a good topic to discuss as it has recently come up in news more with President Obama’s passing of the NDAA.

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